Increase your lab performance

Boost your lab productivity 10-20% in 12 months!

If you are the owner or manager of an analytical laboratory, you probably have a huge, often unrecognised potential to increase efficiency and optimise productivity.

This untapped potential represents significant financial value that is being held back by inefficient processes. We can help you realise this potential by


critically analysing existing processes


eliminating redundant steps


improve your productivity and value creation

We are here to help you review and refine your current processes, ensuring you can achieve superior value creation in terms of




Lead times






Customer Retention

Here are some signs that a laboratory is not running efficiently:

Let’s find the causes and get rid of them for good!

Inadequate organisation


Do you have to spend a lot of time on the collection and verification of relevant information?

We will organise your information and data sources in an efficient way so that you are prepared for any situation and can react to it quickly.


As a manager, are you in a constant state of fire-fighting mode?

We can help you to free yourself from the day-to-day tasks of running your business and give you the freedom you need to achieve your strategic goals with confidence.


Do you have a chronic lack of time to spend with your employees?

Finding good people is a challenge, but binding them to your company for the long term is the daily task of every manager. We help you save time every day.


Do you have a constant problem with high staff turnover?

You will gain specialist insight through training. We can show you how to strike the right balance between achieving goals, being efficient and creating attractive jobs that people want to stay in.

Lack of implementation skills and strength


Has your project turned into a perpetual state of inertia?

We help our customers to solve complex process problems by identifying the causes, defining manageable subtasks that can be completed on time with the necessary resources.


Do you lack experience and a systematic approach to change?

We work with our customers on a day-to-day basis to optimise processes, productivity and value creation, and provide hands-on support for the transformation process.


Do you lack the resources you need to achieve your most important goals?

Whether your recruitment process is taking too long or you need external support to bridge a personnel bottleneck, we are here to help you improve your performance.


Are you reluctant to plan and implement your improvement projects?

We help you integrate your project into the business or performance context of your strategy, break down the path to getting there into work packages and pave the way for implementation.

Our Passion

Simplify processes and increase value creation and productivity

How can you optimise your laboratory processes and increase productivity and value creation?

… without disruption to laboratory operations and without staff excessive workload?

How much value are you creating today - for yourself and for your customers?

What are the problems and faults? How big are they? What is the price you are paying?

Start improving now. We can help you systematically drive value Creation, productivity and profitability.

We define actions and create an implementation plan. You set the priorities. We support you to decide.

we will support, guide and monitor the implementation together with you.

our Value Proposition

How we support you

Baseline Assessment

What is your current performance? How does your current capability compare with similar organisations? What proportion of your activities add value or can be monetised?

Increasing value creation, efficiency and productivity

How can the proportion of value-added activities be increased and productivity improved? What can be simplified, automated or digitalized? What can be eliminated?

Optimisation, Implementation and Change

You prioritise actions, set key performance indicators and give the signal for optimisation and transformation. We support you in every way to ensure your lasting success.